Hawk Watch at Jockey's Ridge

Photography at Jockey’s Ridge State Park

Jockey’s Ridge includes an exciting variety of plants, animals, and geology. It is the perfect location for landscape and nature photographers! This article has some tips to help you take stunning pictures during your time at the park. Prepare…

Shocking Facts About Lightning

“Thunder is good, thunder is impressive; but it is lightning that does all the work.” Mark Twain Many of us have heard “when thunder roars, go indoors,” do you know that is because thunder can be heard up to 10 miles away from a lightning…

Visitor Center Closing May 24, 2021-April 2022

After 27 years, the Visitor Center at Jockey’s Ridge State Park, is being renovated! From May 24, 2021 until April 2022, the Visitor Center will be closed to the public. However, the Park, the public restroom building located near the visitor…

Visitor Center Renovation Begins

By Superintendent Joy Greenwood I hope the beginning of the busy season is going well for everyone!  Just a quick update and some exciting news. Signs of the upcoming visitor center renovation at Jockey's Ridge State Park will be visible this…

Southbound Raptors – Jockey’s Ridge Hawk Watch

By Ranger Austin Paul Jockey’s Ridge State Park completed its first official Hawk Watch this past fall.  This is a seasonal research project coordinated through The Hawk Migration Association of North America.  The purpose is to “advance…

2021 Superintendent’s Message

As we start the New Year, I sincerely hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed the holidays.   I thought this would be a good time to update everyone on the upcoming Visitor Center renovations and give some highlights from the past year. In…

Jockey’s Ridge Partners with Toys for Tots

Jockey’s Ridge State Park is teaming up with Toys for Tots! This year, Jockey's Ridge State Park will be a drop off location for donations.  In addition, Jockey's Ridge is offering Ranger-guided dune rides  in exchange for Toys for Tots…

Jockey’s Ridge Expands Educational Opportunities

Jockey’s Ridge State Park staff are now providing outdoor educational opportunities to the public!  Due to COVID-19 concerns, we have redesigned our programs.  We are continuing to provide high quality educational experiences for our…

ecoEXPLORE comes to Jockey’s Ridge!

Jockey’s Ridge is continuing to expand environmental educational opportunities by now supporting the ecoEXPLORE statewide program.  EcoEXPLORE (Experiences Promoting Learning Outdoors for Research and Education) is an “incentive-based…
ecoEXPLORE at Jockey's Ridge

Year of Fire!

As we head into the new year, North Carolina State Parks says goodbye to the Year of the Snake and welcomes the Year of Fire.   We hope that everyone had the opportunity to attend one of our snake programs and learn something new.  Our snakes…

Happy Holidays from Jockey’s Ridge!

Happy Holidays from Jockey's Ridge Jockey’s Ridge State Park is on track for another record-breaking year with estimated visitation in 2019 surpassing 1.7 million visitors! We are proud to be the most visited state park in North Carolina. …

Kites with Lights at Jockey’s Ridge State Park!

Saturday, November 30th, 2019 5:00-7:00 p.m. Come spread the holiday cheer with Kitty Hawk Kites and a kites light show on Jockey’s Ridge! Kites with Lights, at Jockey’s Ridge State Park, features large 19-to-30 foot kites decked…